Micro company in Romania has a tax regime of 3 percent till 100.000 euro – taxes in Romania

More info mail frjacobs@telenet.be

The micro company is a very interesting company as the tax levels are very low. It can be used to save money as it is a company it is fully legal (piggy bank). With this company you can invest and when you make the pension you simply dissolve it and then the remaining money will be transferred after legal dissolvation in conformity with law 31/1990 to your personal account.

Een bedrijf oprichten in Roemenie en fiscale holdingstructuren in Roemenie

Voor bijkomend advies en info mail: frjacobs@telenet.be

Wij constateren  dat steeds meer ondernemingen kiezen voor de oprichting van een onderneming of dochteronderneming in het buitenland. Door de lage oprichtingskosten, snelle oprichtingsduur in combinatie met de beperkte aansprakelijkheid en lage belastingdruk  is  de Roemeense limited (srl) erg populair.

company creation in romania - create a company in romania

We are specialized in remote company creation. We create form a distance you do not need to travel. You only travel to Romania with us after that the company is created to open the operational bancary accounts, personal bank accounts, internet banking on your name, etc..We create and you save money and time. For more info contact: frjacobs@telenet.be

Een bedrijf oprichten in roemenie de societate cu raspundere limitata

Een bedrijf oprichten in roemenie de societate cu raspundere limitata contacteer: frjacobs@telenet.be 

Roemeense firma oprichten : de besloten vennootschap met beperkte berantwoordelijkheid (societate cu raspundere limitata)

Roemeense firma oprichten : de besloten vennootschap met beperkte verantwoordelijkheid (societate cu raspundere limitata)

Presentation State Aid Scheme Romania 2014 2020 GD 322 GD 807

Download the complete presentation in anexa

The new subventions for agriculture in romania official launch of the first measures on 25 March 2015


SubMăsura 4.1 - Investiții în exploatații agricole

VARIANTA CONSULTATIVĂ a Ghidului Solicitantului pentru SubMăsura 4.1 - Investiții în exploatații agricole 



our offer for outsourcing of a company process in Romania

Having the best people is the key to achieving competitive advantageIf you don’t hire the best people, your competitors will. We commit in finding the best people for you and to move your business process to Romania and to make it work. We stay on board and we make it work as we committed from the start. We literally move a piece of your company to a near shore destination: Romania

Recruitment And Staffing Agency For Ict Specialists In Romania

Employ ICT specialists in Romania via the recruitment factory

Romania is one of the fastest-growing information technology (IT) markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The country has made significant progress in all of the information and communications technology (ICT) subsectors, including basic telephony, mobile telephony, the Internet and IT. The country’s telecoms sector has been deregulated, expanded and modernized over the past 15 years.

Recruitment And Staffing Of Engineers In Romania

Employ engineers in Romania via the recruitment factory
