agricultural land romania

Digital Due Diligence (DD) and Pre-DD performed on farm land in Romania

After selling large plots of agricultural land during 2003-2007 we shifted from sales to due diligence and used our expertise to evaluate farms and agricultural land in Romania. Since then we performed a due diligence almost every year in a classical way. We also used our expertise for share deals with factories that were bought by investors as we active in Romania since 2003.

Opportunities for Investing in Romanian Agriculture by 2025

Interested in purchasing a Romanian farm and agricultural land in Romania?

The Romanian agriculture sector presents exceptional opportunities for savvy investors. With an annual return of 7% or more, significant EU subsidies, and a thriving economy, this market offers a stable investment option. In addition, the favorable climate and fertile land allow for the cultivation of various crops.

De prijzen van landbouwgrond in Roemenië van 2003 tot 2024

In dit artikel presenteer ik een evolutie van de prijzen van landbouwgrond in Roemenië van 2003 tot heden. Ik wil aantonen hoe tijd bijdraagt aan de vermogensopbouw van grondeigenaren in Roemenië.

In 2003 bijvoorbeeld verdubbelden de prijzen voor grote percelen ten opzichte van het voorgaande jaar, vooral voor percelen groter dan 10 hectare: de prijs voor percelen kleiner dan 10 hectare lag tussen 100-300 euro/ha, en voor grotere percelen steeg dit naar 500-1000 euro/ha.

Buying a farm in Romania

Additional Regulatory Hurdles for agriculture in Romania

Beyond the preemption rights framework, new legislation like Law 17/2014 has introduced several other regulations that potential buyers must consider:

  • Restrictions on the agricultural use of fertile land

  • Mandatory soil quality certificates

  • Penalties for non-compliance

  • Temporary interdiction to sell certain agricultural land outside buildable areas

Landbouwinvesteringskans in Braila, Roemenië grond te koop

Vandaag zijn we trots om u een geweldige investeringskans in de landbouw te presenteren. We bieden nu een uitstekend perceel landbouwgrond te koop aan in de provincie Braila, Roemenië, met afmetingen tussen de 180 en 800 hectare. Zo'n enorm stuk land is ongeëvenaard in zijn mogelijkheden voor grootschalige landbouw of als uitstekend bezit voor strategische investeringen in de agribusiness.

New law from 13 October 2020 in place in Romania for foreigners on buying agricultural land.

New provisions on the sale of farmland located outside of the buildable areas is installed as per 13 October 2020.

As per 13 October, the foreigners can still buy agricultural land if they buy a company via a share deal. Other transactions are not possible any more for foreigners. Romania has put as single European country a limit for European citizens and other foreigners. Not very correct towards the citizens of Europe in my opinion.