een bedrijf starten in roemenie

Recruiting engineers in romania for romania and europe

At EU level, the number of job vacancies is constantly increasing. With the recovery of the economy, there has been a steady increase in the vacancy rate in the European Union, with a different dynamic, however, in the Member States.

Professionals are a long-term investment

A long-term trend of increasing the use of capital can be seen from this perspective:

Payroll and HR services in Romania 14 years of experience

We provide Payroll and  HR  services for over 14 years on the Romanian market and internationally.

Ensure a better administration of your employee documents and payrolls in Romania! We are ready to take over the administrative burden, by offering you the following services and online solutions:


Why You Should Use Our Business Center in Romania


We are  the first independent business center  in Buzau, Romania,  which shortens the route between office-seekers for their business in Romania. It facilitates the office renting process with cost-effectiveness, brings office market transparency and helps you in the process of incorporation of your company in Romania.

Establishment of a Romanian company

Starting a company does not guarantee that your business idea will be a success and does not mean that once you set up your company you became a true entrepreneur; it is a necessary but not a sufficient condition. On the other hand, it is good to know that when you have a company you will have more responsibility: documents, accounting, all kinds of authorizations, controls, reports, but also advantages.

The micro enterprise with 1 percent tax till 1 million euro creates possibilities in Romania

Nr. 20180503

For company creation in romania mail:

What taxes do investors in Romania pay for a micro enterprise created in Romania ?

In 2019, Romanian micro-enterprises pay income tax, according to Title III of the Fiscal Code. The tax rate is 1% for micro-enterprises with at least one employee and 3% for those that do not have employees. Company creation in Romania becomes interesting from a tax point of view.

Een roemeense firma oprichten - roemeense vennootschap oprichten




De ondernemingsvorm

De bv = sprl = bvba = ltd (societate cu raspundere limitata, SRL): buitenlanders die in Roemenië een bedrijf willen starten, kiezen, al dan niet in de vorm van een joint venture met een Roemeense partner, meestal voor deze vorm. Reden hiervoor is dat de SRL grote flexibiliteit biedt en het beste naar de wensen van de betreffende ondernemer(s) kan worden vormgegeven.

Ondernemen en sparen in Roemenië met drie procent belastingen

“Roemenië is een arm land met een corrupte overheid en een bevolking van zigeuners die niet werken en daardoor stelen en bedelen”. 

Dat is het verkeerde beeld dat veel mensen van Roemenië hebben. De grootste schuld ligt bij de internationale media en de marketing van de Roemeense overheid.