our offer for outsourcing of a company process in Romania

Having the best people is the key to achieving competitive advantageIf you don’t hire the best people, your competitors will. We commit in finding the best people for you and to move your business process to Romania and to make it work. We stay on board and we make it work as we committed from the start. We literally move a piece of your company to a near shore destination: Romania

Recruitment And Staffing Agency For Ict Specialists In Romania

Employ ICT specialists in Romania via the recruitment factory

Romania is one of the fastest-growing information technology (IT) markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The country has made significant progress in all of the information and communications technology (ICT) subsectors, including basic telephony, mobile telephony, the Internet and IT. The country’s telecoms sector has been deregulated, expanded and modernized over the past 15 years.

Recruitment And Staffing Of Engineers In Romania

Employ engineers in Romania via the recruitment factory

Structural funds and subventions romania operational programs 2014 2020


For Romania, EU funds will continue to be one of the most important tools to be used to reduce regional disparities and promoting economic growth at regional and local level, strengthening competitiveness and increase employment, benchmarks at the EU level.

PPA Package For Subventions Structural Funds And Instruments In Romania For The Period 2014 2020

Structural funds and instruments romania 2014 2020

Pre-project-assistance package  (PPA)

In order to prepare for investments with funds from Europe in Romania during 2014-2020 we have prepared  a package to assist you in the pre- project phase:

This is what you get:

Subventions Structural Funds And Instruments For Romania 2014 2020

We have made a presentation on subventions via  structural funds and instruments for romania for the period 2014 2020 based on the data available today.

Download the presentation in attachment.

Using a recruitment agency in romania for staffing in romania

Recruitment and recruitment agencies in Romania

Visit for recruitment agencies : http://www.recruitment-company-romania.ro  and http://investromania.be/nl

recruitment and recruitment company in romania

Our recruitment services in Romania

The demands of the 21st century enterprise require HR leaders with cross-functional skills and experience to balance immediate, transactional priorities with the need to forge longer-term talent management strategy – from workforce alignment and organizational development to succession management and talent supply chain issues.

Establishing a Romanian road transport company

“We help investors to create their company, register their trucks, we file for the transport licence and select the personal for the trucks. We keep close contact with the transport ministry and the transport federations In Romania.” 

Contact us at cibr@telenet.be 

Romania' S Rural Development Strategy 2014-2020 PNDR Subventions For Agriculture In Romania

Romania’s rural development strategy for the next years falls within the context of reform and development that UE proposes by Europe 2020 strategy.

The national rural development programme for 2014-2020 contributes to the realization of a smart growth by supporting the forms of cooperation between research institutions and farmers and other players of rural economy, as well as by supporting the training component, skill acquirement and information dissemination.
