Detachment with A1 form in Romania - procedure for A1 in Romania

Employee’s mobility is on many employers’ agenda for a wide number of reasons, including limited qualified resources and entering new territories. The procedure for detachment in Romania is one of Europe’s difficult cases and basically Romania looses a lot of taxes by a central agency that is working with a procedure that is contra productive and against migration to other regions in Europe. But with a lot of effort you will obtain your A1 form as employee or independent worker – PFA. We hope that the government will simplify the application to obtain European standards (e.g.

How to create a Romanian company in Romania

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We are specialized in providing assistance and guidance related to international company formation in Romania, company registration in Romania and related services in Romania. We also assist with the management and administration of international companies, and provide company services that are designed to guide and support the daily business.

Micro company in Romania has a tax regime of 3 percent till 100.000 euro – taxes in Romania

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The micro company is a very interesting company as the tax levels are very low. It can be used to save money as it is a company it is fully legal (piggy bank). With this company you can invest and when you make the pension you simply dissolve it and then the remaining money will be transferred after legal dissolvation in conformity with law 31/1990 to your personal account.

Happy New Year! 2016 Starts With Tax Cuts In Romania

The new year will bring three important tax cuts in Romania. Not only the VAT rate will be lower starting January 1, 2016, but also the tax on dividends and the tax on small companies’ revenues. The New Year has brought several tax cuts in Romania benefiting consumers, small firms as well as those who receive dividends, according to local media reports.

company creation in romania - create a company in romania

We are specialized in remote company creation. We create form a distance you do not need to travel. You only travel to Romania with us after that the company is created to open the operational bancary accounts, personal bank accounts, internet banking on your name, etc..We create and you save money and time. For more info contact:

Een bedrijf oprichten in roemenie de societate cu raspundere limitata

Een bedrijf oprichten in roemenie de societate cu raspundere limitata contacteer: 

Roemeense firma oprichten : de besloten vennootschap met beperkte berantwoordelijkheid (societate cu raspundere limitata)

Roemeense firma oprichten : de besloten vennootschap met beperkte verantwoordelijkheid (societate cu raspundere limitata)

Presentation State Aid Scheme Romania 2014 2020 GD 322 GD 807

Download the complete presentation in anexa

The new subventions for agriculture in romania official launch of the first measures on 25 March 2015


SubMăsura 4.1 - Investiții în exploatații agricole

VARIANTA CONSULTATIVĂ a Ghidului Solicitantului pentru SubMăsura 4.1 - Investiții în exploatații agricole 


