Compilation of our services

1.Looking to start a business in Romania? We've got you covered!

At PBS, we're experts in guiding entrepreneurs through the process of setting up a company in Romania. Our services go beyond just company formation in Romania - we're your one-stop solution for all things business in this vibrant European market.

What sets us apart? We're all about making your journey smooth and wallet-friendly. Our cost-effective approach means you get top-notch service without breaking the bank.

Digital Due Diligence (DD) and Pre-DD performed on farm land in Romania

After selling large plots of agricultural land during 2003-2007 we shifted from sales to due diligence and used our expertise to evaluate farms and agricultural land in Romania. Since then we performed a due diligence almost every year in a classical way. We also used our expertise for share deals with factories that were bought by investors as we active in Romania since 2003.

Setting up a company in Romania or how to create a company in Romania ?

Is it easy to create a  company in Romania?

Today it is relatively easy to set up a company in Romania. We provide customized advice. The establishment of a company in Romania is easy for us, we have more than 15 years of experience.

For information mail

Choice of legal form of your Romanian company

The most common legal forms are the SRL (BV, BVBA) and the SA (NV). You choose a legal form:

1. Societate cu răspundere limitată (SRL) - Limited liability company

Een bedrijf oprichten in Roemenië

Kan ik gemakkelijk een bedrijf oprichten in Roemenië ?

Vandaag is het relatief eenvoudig om een bedrijf op te richten in Roemenië. Wij adviseren op maat. De oprichting van een bedrijf in Roemenië is voor ons eenvoudig we hebben meer dan 15 jaar ervaring.

Voor inlichtingen mail 

Keuze rechtsvorm voor een bedrijf in Roemenië

De meest voorkomende rechtsvormen  zijn de SRL  (BV, BVBA) en de SA  (NV) . U kiest een rechtsvorm:

Reasons for investing in Romania in 2025

Invest in Romania

Romania is a country with great potential that has yet to be fully utilized. The country is actively working towards attracting direct investments and has recently implemented various measures to attract foreign investors.

Setting up a business in Romania is a straightforward process with extensive support from experienced local entrepreneurs. Foreign investors interested in Romania can reach out to us for assistance.

In this article, we will delve into the reasons for investing in Romania.

Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) Between Romania and Belgium

Double taxation presents a crucial challenge for entities operating across Romania and Belgium. To address this issue, both nations have established a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) that effectively prevents income from being subject to taxation in both jurisdictions simultaneously. Let's explore how this agreement functions between these two countries in 2024:

Overview of the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) between Romania and Belgium

De prijzen van landbouwgrond in Roemenië van 2003 tot 2024

In dit artikel presenteer ik een evolutie van de prijzen van landbouwgrond in Roemenië van 2003 tot heden. Ik wil aantonen hoe tijd bijdraagt aan de vermogensopbouw van grondeigenaren in Roemenië.

In 2003 bijvoorbeeld verdubbelden de prijzen voor grote percelen ten opzichte van het voorgaande jaar, vooral voor percelen groter dan 10 hectare: de prijs voor percelen kleiner dan 10 hectare lag tussen 100-300 euro/ha, en voor grotere percelen steeg dit naar 500-1000 euro/ha.

Farm and Agricultural Land for Sale in Romania

Farm for Sale in Romania

Foreign investors have shown increasing interest in acquiring farms in Romania. Currently, 47 percent of agricultural lands are owned by international investors. Romania offers a unique combination of fertile farmland, affordable prices, and rich cultural heritage. These factors make the country an attractive destination for those dreaming of owning their piece of land in a picturesque setting.
