Een uitgebreide handleiding voor het maken van e-facturen in het ANAF e-Factura systeem van Roemenië

Is de Roemeense wereld van e-facturatie klaar om veroverd te worden?

Stop met zoeken! We zijn verheugd je onze video "E-factura in Roemenië: A Crash Course", die dient als complete handleiding voor de aanpassing aan de verplichte invoering van e-facturatie. Deze boeiende video laat mijn kennis zien en biedt een uitgebreide, stap-voor-stap uitleg over het effectief beheren van de nieuwe fiscale rapportageprocedures.

Unlocking Digital Growth: How SMEs Can Benefit from the PNRR Aid Scheme to Digitize Their Businesses

The Official Gazette of Romania  has released the SME grant scheme, which falls under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), offering EUR 500,000-3 million to non-IT companies in partnership with IT companies for digitization projects.

The scheme, known as "Grants to support entrepreneurs in the development of advanced digital technologies," aims to assist SMEs in implementing innovative digital technologies such as data and cloud computing, blockchain, high performance and quantum computing, the internet of things, and cyber security.

RO E-Invoicing and NIF: Key Aspects of Romania's Digital Invoicing System

Romania has taken a significant leap toward modernizing financial transactions with the implementation of the mandatory RO e-invoicing system. Since July 2022, the system named e-Factura has become a pivotal structure in business-to-government (B2G) transactions, as well as in high fiscal-risk business-to-business (B2B) interactions. With a continuous advancement towards complete digital invoicing, January 2024 marks a landmark when all B2B transactions will require e-invoice compliance.

Our tax services in Romania

Romania is an attractive destination for investors due to its strategic location, skilled workforce, and favorable business environment. However, it’s crucial to understand the tax landscape to navigate the investment process effectively. In this article, we will delve into the recent tax law changes in Romania and provide you with valuable insights.

Tax laws in Romania undergo frequent revisions to align with the evolving economic landscape and international standards. Staying up-to-date with these changes is essential to avoid penalties and optimize your tax strategy.

Our interim management services for your projects in Romania

Having spent over two decades in Romania, our Founder Freddy Jacobs has established himself as an authority in the country. His guiding principle in Romania has always been: “In the land of the blind, the one eye is king” AND “thriving on chaos as a model to make money“. Today these elements are still valid in Romania.

Allow me to share some information with you regarding our central principles and temporary management offering:

Our real estate services in Romania

Real Estate services in Romania

We offer full Services real estate sales & property Management. We have more than 20 years of experience in eastern markets. For more than 20 years our real estate services division has been providing a wide range of services and solutions supporting various real estate transactions. By combining years of real estate finance expertise, with the experience and stability of our company, the real estate services division has developed a unique set of offers for our clients.

Our due diligence services in Romania

The DD was done with a classical approach: we go on-site during 7-10 days. After this we write our report and conclusions and provide the investor (buyer) with a report and attachments. The main report and conclusions with corresponding attachments are prepared during the works.The duration of the works is around 2 to 3 weeks.

“Due to the COVID19 we had to re-think our business model and we started to work from a distance as per October 2020.”

What are the advantages of a digital Due Diligence in Romania ?

1.     We do not have to travel to Romania
